
Press Statement from the Deputy Minister of National Defense of the DPRK

Kim Kang Il, Deputy Minister of National Defense of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, publicly issued the following press statement on May 25:

“National sovereignty, security, and interests will be protected by strong self-defense forces.”

Recently, various aerial reconnaissance measures by the United States and the puppet air force of South Korea have openly intensified their hostile aerial espionage activities against the DPRK.

From May 13 to 24, 16 strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Air Force, including five RC-135s and eleven U-2S, were involved in aerial espionage activities against the DPRK.

Notably, the U.S. Air Force directed three RC-135s from May 20 to 23.

The U.S. Air Force and the puppet air force of the Republic of Korea continue to severely violate the sovereignty and security of the DPRK by conducting aerial espionage activities that exceed wartime conditions, repeatedly mobilizing the RQ-4B reconnaissance drone and other reconnaissance aircraft almost without any delay each day.

Such hostile espionage actions, coupled with various military exercises, have become the cause of escalating militaristic tensions in the region.

Recently, the Republic of Korea has shamelessly intensified its vile psychological warfare, scattering leaflets and various dirty items near the borders of the DPRK.

The scattering of leaflets using balloons is a dangerous provocation that could be used for a specific militaristic purpose.

We have already explained our position regarding the dangerous farce of scattering items using balloons.

The number of violations of our maritime border by the enemy is also increasing.

Various types of warships and maritime police vessels of the puppet Republic of Korea frequently cross our maritime border under pretexts such as mobile patrols.

Such frequent violations of our maritime border will have dangerous consequences.

We have never crossed the northern line designated by the Republic of Korea.

We have already warned that we will take necessary military measures to defend our sovereignty and security.

We officially warn that we cannot tolerate such continuous violations of our maritime sovereignty and that we may use our self-defense power at sea or underwater at any time.

Should an incident occur at sea, the Republic of Korea will be wholly responsible for the violation of the DPRK’s maritime sovereignty despite the warnings.

It is our choice that if the Republic of Korea refuses to respect the maritime border declared by the DPRK, it should make South Korea fearful of crossing it.

On May 24, the highest military leadership of the DPRK ordered its army to take offensive actions against the provocative violations of DPRK sovereignty by the enemy.

Counteractions will also be taken in response to the frequent scattering of leaflets and other debris by the Republic of Korea near the borders.

Stacks of paper and dirt will soon be scattered along the borders and interior of the Republic of Korea, and it will directly experience how much effort is required to remove them.

When our national sovereignty, security, and interests are violated, we will take immediate action.

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