Activities of WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un

Report on a demonstration of the firing power of the sub-units of a 600mm super-multi-missile launcher

The Honourable Comrade Kim Jong Un oversees a demonstration of the power of the launch

The gangster authorities and the puppet army of the Republic of Korea have violated the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in a scandalous act of provocation by conducting a clumsy display of military force against its sovereign rights. In response, units equipped with large rocket launchers conducted a show of force to clearly demonstrate the DPRK’s determination to defend its sovereignty and security with powerful means and its readiness to carry out a preemptive strike if enemies attempt to use military force.

Esteemed Comrade Kim Jong Un personally issued the order to organize this demonstration and supervised it himself.

Emphasizing that it is the duty of the DPRK’s armed forces, as sanctioned by its Constitution, to protect the state’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, he stated that today’s show of force, in the face of the enemy’s political and military maneuvers aimed at depriving the DPRK of its sovereignty, will be a clear signal to rivals about the consequences they will face if they provoke the DPRK.

The salvo was conducted using an integrated fire control system, which is part of the national nuclear weapon management system.

The exercise involved the 3rd Battalion of the 331st Red Flag Artillery Regiment, responsible for important fire missions in the western border zone.

The secret order from the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea regarding the fire mission was transmitted to the battalion’s companies, and the salvo was carried out based on the integrated fire control system.

When Esteemed Comrade Kim Jong Un issued the order to open fire from the observation post, General Jang Chang Ha, Director General of the DPRK’s Missile Administration, commanded the fire attack.

At the moment the loud explosion echoed, and streams of fire with immense force clearly demonstrated the DPRK’s will to defend its sovereignty and respond to enemy actions.

Artillerymen, full of hostility towards the enemy and with a clearly defined target, accurately hit an island 365 kilometers away, effectively accomplishing the task of demonstrating force.

Esteemed Comrade Kim Jong Un highly praised the fact that the world’s most powerful Korean-style war attack means, which have extraordinary power, maintain readiness for a rapid and effective response and are fully prepared.

He emphasized that the DPRK’s nuclear forces should be even more prepared to execute missions to deter war and seize initiative in any crisis situation.

The DPRK’s military means and preventive strike forces will maintain combat readiness, enhancing their capabilities to fulfill the important mission of deterring war and defending sovereignty.

Koreańska Centralna Agencja Prasowa
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